New Starting Point in 2021
Jan 01. 2021

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This article deeply resonates.

Start planning your life early, strive harder, complain less, and remember opportunities are earned through personal effort. Keep pushing forward!

On Anxiety

We feel anxious because the current version of ourselves is quite distant from our envisioned self. The growing gap between who we are and who we aspire to be largely stems from how we continually let ourselves down.

Regarding anxiety, many of us have fallen into a paradoxical loop where we seem busy but are actually riddled with anxiety. We spend nights awake, but merely scrolling through our phones, giving countless likes; we impulsively decide to learn something new, buy numerous vocabulary books that remain unopened thereafter; we get motivated to work out after being inspired, gather loads of workout plans but never execute them; we vow to read extensively, purchase stacks of books yet never crack one open. We invest significant time on social media, bookmarking what we think is useful, only for our hard drives to fill up with resources we never review. We hoard information but fail to truly engage with what we’ve carefully selected. We focus on collecting, forgetting that the most crucial step is to take the time to digest and absorb.

A book unread is just printed pages; a vocabulary book not studied is merely a collection of alphabetical combinations; downloaded lectures left unheard are simply worthless data—things you might have saved mindlessly, never revisiting again. Eventually, you find yourself overwhelmed with an unmanageable backlog. As you stare at piles of lectures and untouched textbooks, anxiety intensifies. Procrastination and waiting are the最容易 killers of motivation.

The best way to conquer anxiety? Face it head-on by doing the very things that make you anxious.

Action requires no perfect timing or state of mind; the present moment is eternal and all-encompassing.

On Dreams and Struggle

I firmly believe that heroes are always solitary, while minions cluster together. Pareto’s Principle holds true universally: 20% of people hold 80% of the wealth, while 80% serve the remaining 20%.

Being outstanding isn’t enough; becoming indispensable is key. If excellence is insufficient, strive to become irreplaceable. There are two paths to irreplaceability: doing tasks others are unwilling to do, or performing common tasks so exceptionally well that no one else can match you. Such individuals are genuinely needed in society. This journey is long and fiercely competitive, yet I will continue to strengthen myself, improving bit by bit each day, venturing into fields others avoid and mastering areas where everyone competes, to become truly irreplaceable.

Someone is indeed living the life you desire, and you too can live that life if you possess a little determination, courage, hope, and belief.

Each episode in our lives serves its purpose; there are no meaningless experiences. Therefore, refrain from lamenting why you didn’t start earlier or regretting what you could have done differently. The time spent complaining or regretting would be better invested in moving forward. Sometimes, taking a wrong turn clarifies the future path; befriending the wrong people reveals the meaning of true friendship amidst hardship; loving the wrong person teaches us the essence of genuine love.

On Money

Have you considered that excessive frugality can actually be wasteful? When you spend hours arguing over cents instead of using that time to study, you’re wasting valuable resources. Eating leftover food that’s gone bad may lead to hospital bills that exceed the savings. Skipping health checks due to cost may result in larger medical expenses once serious illnesses are diagnosed. Thinking you’re saving money by doing these things, you’re unknowingly squandering your most precious asset—time—endlessly debating trivial matters.

On Relationships

The law of attraction dictates that like attracts like; you attract people similar to yourself.

In terms of dating, finding someone who helps you grow is important; finding someone who inspires mutual growth is even more critical.

As for colleagues, has anyone ever said they must become friends? True friends have no overlapping interests or benefits; they are those willing to act for one another, even sacrificing some of their own interests. The best approach is to maintain good relations with every colleague without confiding in or forming deep friendships with any.

On Love

True affection involves two people who can converse heartily; the ideal couple engages in soulful dialogue and warms each other’s hearts.

Many relationships end due to misunderstandings that stem from unclear communication. Men may assume women don’t want to see them, while women fear seeing each other too often may cool off the relationship. Both parties wish to sustain the bond, yet they misunderstand each other, leaving words unsaid or assuming certain things unnecessary to clarify, causing love to fade away. Misunderstandings deepen until conflicts surface. Remember, before marriage, people choose among options; post-marriage, they make judgments.

Countless romances crumble due to poor communication. Cherishing young love entails keeping lines of communication open, sharing your thoughts and feelings openly to ensure your partner feels cherished and valued.

If a past relationship made you a better person, then you did not love the wrong person. Life is inherently lonely, but we’re fortunate when temporary companions walk alongside us during our solitude. While parents may accompany you for a considerable part of your adult life, to navigate life effectively, you must sometimes walk alone, explore unfamiliar places, meet new faces, endure hardships you’ve never experienced before. All these challenges aren’t meant to break you but to fortify you, enabling you to better support those you cherish.

On Family

Temporary separations from loved ones are necessary precursors to joyful reunions.

Each individual navigates the world independently and with a sense of loneliness. Parents won’t be with us forever, but gratefully, Chinese parents often stay involved in our lives for a longer period. However, to thrive in the world, relying solely on others’ support isn’t enough; you need to venture forth alone at times, enduring solitude to strengthen your wings, ultimately to protect and cherish those you don’t want to leave behind.

On Reading and Learning

There’s no fixed rhythm for studying; what suits you personally is the best method. Sometimes, getting caught up in the methodology prevents you from taking the first step. Many people spend their lives deliberating over that initial stride, never actually making it.

During study sessions, ask yourself what you aim to achieve and where you want to reach today. Without a goal, learning becomes aimless wandering; without a target, hard work appears diligent but lacks substance.

(1) When reading a book, ask yourself what you want to gain from it and proceed with questions in mind.

(2) If you’re one-third into a book and still unsure about its content, it’s time to put it aside.

(3) Don’t take more than a week to finish a book, as extended periods can lead to forgetfulness and ineffective reading.

(4) After finishing a good book, consider reading it a second time for a more profound understanding.

Pursue Your Dreams Fearlessly

Ultimately, only you can determine your destiny. You are the master of your life and youth. Thank you for staying true to yourself.

The real experts are those who “march to their own drum,” not escaping the world, but rather knowing its rules while skillfully operating outside the system. They don’t flatter nor do they allow the world to change them. They undertake tasks they’d rather not do, solely to create better opportunities for pursuing their passions later on. Like nomads, they wander, yet they understand societal norms.

To embody such individuals, I believe you should cultivate several traits: acquire a specialized skill set to earn a living anywhere; avoid politics, as it’s complex; and above all, have clarity about the lifestyle you desire and steadfastly pursue it.

Regarding dreams, I don’t subscribe to the notion that hard work guarantees success since the world can be unpredictable. Nevertheless, this doesn’t warrant resignation; people must resiliently strive towards their aspirations. Even if the world sometimes hinders a dedicated individual, holding onto your original dream signifies that you haven’t aged in spirit.





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